My Speed Legacy, Generations 1 thru 6
Butterscotch Morsel, teen (sim3pack only - will get the .sim file soon)
Zodiac Unicorns
Aquarius (female) | Pisces (male) | Aries (male) |
Brave, Untrained, Friendly | Lazy, Untrained, Friendly | Lazy, Untrained, Friendly |
Taurus (male) | Gemini (male) | Cancer (male |
Brave, Untrained, Friendly | Lazy, Untrained, Friendly | Lazy, Untrained, Friendly |
Leo (male) | Virgo (female) | Libra (female) |
Ornery, Brave, Untrained | Brave, Untrained, Friendly | Brave, Untrained, riendly |
Scorpio (male) | Sagittarius (male) | Capricorn (female) |
Nervous, Untrained, Friendly | Quiet, Untrained, Friendly | Lazy, Genius, Untrained |
Download Moonlight from Mediafire! (rar file contains both .sims3pack and .sim files)
My berrycorns Aurora (lavender) and Baron (light blue)
Brutus, the Zebra-corn
Left to right: Spearmint (mare) | Peppermint (stallion) | Candy Cane (mare)