Saturday, November 19, 2011

And then there were poopies...cute, cute poopies...

I decided to make a pair of dalmations and breed them to see the pet genetics...

OK, not so cute...almost there!

Apparently, puppy making tires out the males!

And some d'awww moments...
Achilles in the background looking like some kind of Cruella DeVille! :P

And while the adults were playing and plotting with the dogs, the children were watched after and entertained.

New Death type - Pets

I was trolling Appaloosa Plains and happened upon this ghost!

Apparently, the new death type with Pets is Pet Old Age Bad! Not sure how it's achieved, but this little guy (not old by any stretch of the imagination) is a victim of Pet Old Age Bad! This little fella's name is Glint 2. Singleton and is homeless! (may have to give him a home)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Why aren't EA builds ever big enough?

Appaloosa Plains - cuz I liked this shot... :P

I found a lot I liked, and of course it was occupied by EA sims! I evicted them, saved the lot to the bin, moved them back in and moved them to another lot, so I could have the one they were in!

Then I leveled their modest one-story home and build a two-story house with lots of space! It's a 4 bedroom, 4 bath house! :P


Complete with rare chameleon!





Bedroom (one of four)

Then I renovated the 1-story barn...into a 2-story barn with hay loft...

...added a small Nectary connecting to one side...

...and placed a wine cellar beneath the barn...

...and voilà...the homestead!

I take the dancing gnomes as a sign that I "done good!" :P

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Firefighter Ace...

Curiosity gets the best of me sometimes, and I downloaded default replacement firefighter uniforms from Mod the Sims.

To get them to show up, you have to have your sim join the firefighter career. So Boris, not having a job, was the lucky guinea pig! I took him to the fire station and had him join the force!

I immediately set him up to upgrade the alarm system and the trucks horsepower. Earlier, back at the house, I had Achilles upgrade the fireplace in the study to Auto Light! Well, not only did it auto light itself, but one of the Canopic jars on its mantle!

I instructed Achilles and Damon to extinguish the flames, and it appears there was some "discussion" as to which was going to do it... (I assume Damon was pointing out to Achilles that he was the Pyromaniac!) the blaze continued to spread!

After the usual extinguisher jams...

The flames were finally subdued! in retrospect, I should have made the fireplace fire proof (but then there's no fun in that)!

As if on cue, the fire department arrived (sans Boris, who was STILL upgrading the fire engine that was now outside his house) to tell them what a great job they did with the fire and to be more careful in the future! Boris eventually made his way home and I had him change into his uniform!

I have no interest in the firefighter profession (and other Ambitions professions), but I wanted to check this out! Of course, I did not follow Boris to work when the carpool arrived...

...but rather, let him go off on his own!

A short time later, I see an icon on the right of the screen indicating there was a small house fire! I, of course, chose to ignore it! A short time later, this message pops up:

"Grand Wizard Franklin never quite prepared Boris for the awesoe, destructive power of the Explosive Fireball Incantation. Obviously the name should have provided some indication, but wow, fire!"

Now, I was scratching my head and wondering what was going on! I zoomed in on Boris at the location of the fire...

Some hero, indeed!